New!!! Mocho to Explain WoAD – The Amateur Radio Caravan Club is pleased to announce that its own Caravan Master John Mocho KC5QOC will be our featured speaker at its February 7, 2025, meeting.  His topic will explain how WoAD brings the functionality of the Winlink Global Radio E-mail® system to your Android device. Using WoAD, you can send and receive e-mail messages through a Winlink Common Message Server (CMS), using either a VHF/UHF packet or internet connection. WoAD also supports peer-to-peer (P2P) connections to other Winlink P2P-capable clients, again through a packet or internet connection. We thank John for sharing this new technology and invite you to come and learn.

We meet at the Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 8600 Academy Rd NE (SE corner of Academy & Moon).  We start gathering about 6:30 PM, start the meeting at 7 and must be out of there by 8:30ish so the night watchman can lock up the church.  If you have never attended before, please park in the rear of the church, enter through the single door back there, walk all the way down the hallway and you will hear us. We hope to see you there!

New Mexico TechFest - Rocky Mountain Ham Radio, New Mexico is pleased to announce the 2025 New Mexico TechFest, an ARRL-sanctioned operating specialty event, on Saturday February 22, 2025, at the UNM Continuing Education Conference Center in Albuquerque, NM (1634 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102). New Mexico TechFest is a hybrid event: Both in-person and, for those unable to travel or attend in-person, online via Zoom’s professional webinar platform. For more details Click Here.

Registration is now open.  Admission is $15 and walk-ins will not be accepted. To register Click Here.

New !!! It Was Cloudy and COLD!!! – As advertised, the 146.580 Simplex Group held its 29th Annual Winter Tailgate Swapfest on Saturday, January 25, 2025, in the north parking lot of the Stoneface Tavern. Attendance was down this year due to the temperature in the mid-20s. However, there were still 6 -8 diehard vendors out there…and they were making sales. We saw customers carrying large items back to their cars. The rest of the crowd gathered together (for warmth?) to ragchew and then likely head home. Our thanks to the Simplex Group for hosting the first tailgates of each new year. As we all know, it takes planning, and you can only hope for decent weather.  You win some and lose some.  See you again next year?

New!!! Winterfest 2025 An Outstanding Success !!! – The Amateur Radio Caravan Club sponsored its annual Winterfest on January 11, 2025 at the Olive Garden on San Mateo Blvd NE.  Our sincere THANK YOU to the Club’s Special Events Director John Gleason K5JVG for coordinating this fun activity.  He announced that 40 hams and spouses gathered to share delicious meals and awesome fellowship.

New!!! Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Getting on the Air Workshop John Betz II KI5YIF and Paul Bouthillier KBØWMA will be presenting a workshop to get a new DMR operator and their DMR radio on the air. It will be on Saturday February 1, 2025, from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 p.m. The location will be the Bear Canyon Senior Center, 4645 Pitt St NE. in Albuquerque, New Mexico. If you are interested in attending this workshop, please send Mike Smith KI5NBP a quick email stating such to as the workshop is filling up fast. The workshop is free and open to all licensed Amateur Radio Operators. [Note, this workshop is now FULL!]

Getting Started in Ham Radio - A page has been added to the Become a Ham tab titled Getting Started in Ham Radio.  Thanks to Pete Stine for this write up to help those interested in becoming a licensed Amateur Radio Operator.


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Website Committee:  Pete KE5WTM; Larry K5LRY, Mark W5MHG Site Last Updated:   February 8, 2025 Copyright © 2025, Caravan Radio Club.  All rights reserved.