At this time, we know of several VE groups in New Mexico currently administering tests for all levels of amateur radio. They are:
Albuquerque - Rio Rancho VE Testing Team - Offers testing on the first Saturday of the month at 12:30 PM. Testing is held at the APD NW Command Center, 10401 Cibola Loop NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114. Enter at the side door on the west end of the building. Contact Mathias Gibbens at for more information or to pre-register.
High Desert ARC VE Group – Yul Bratcher is the "point person" effective for the HDARC VE testing. The HDARC options for testing can be found at The HDARC VE Group administers tests on the third Saturday of each month at 12:30 pm. Testing location is the North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, 7521 Carmel Ave NE, Albuquerque NM 87113.
Taos ARC - Runs testing several times a year. The testing occurs at the OPD building (Old Police Dispatch Center) at 107 Civic Plaza Drive in Taos, which is now used as the clubhouse for Taos ARC. Taos ARC is a good place to take the tests in northern New Mexico. The club members running tests are very helpful and friendly.
VCARA VE Group - The Valencia County Amateur Radio Association has a VE testing session the second Saturday of each month, generally from 0900 hrs to 1100 hrs. Appointments are required to make sure applicants have all the necessary paperwork. Check their website for details:
If other local VE groups are out there, we’d like to list them here. Please contact Pete Stine, webmaster, at .