Our Repeaters
We own our own repeaters and building on 10,600 foot Sandia Crest above Albuquerque. In that building, we operate two repeaters with the club’s call (W5CSY) that offer excellent VHF and UHF coverage throughout north-central New Mexico - from Los Alamos to Elephant Butte. All licensed hams are welcome to use them.
2 Meter (VHF) | 145.330 MHz | Neg.(-) | 100.0 Hz |
70 cm (UHF) | 444.000 MHz | Pos.(+) | 100.0 Hz |
Our repeaters normally operate in the linked cross band repeat mode but can be unlinked for special operating circumstances.

Our thanks to Jim Dalton, AF5FI, for contributing the July, 2019 photos.